5 Tips For Organizing Your Bedroom

Is clutter getting in the way of your dream of having a cozy, inviting bedroom? If you’re climbing over stuff to get from your dresser to the hallway, it may be time to organize your room. Here are some tips.

1. Take Everything Out

Set aside an entire day and then get tough by taking a hard look at every item in your bedroom. Move your things out and carry them into the living room placing them in a large heap on the floor. Go through everything and either donate or throw away those things you never use. Plan on how you’ll store the things you know you want to keep.

If you have a hard time getting rid of things put them in a box and store them in a shed or in your garage. If, after a year, you haven’t opened the box, get rid of it.

2. Utilize the Space Under Your Bed

The area under your bed is meant for better things than simply collecting dust mites. Find wooden drawers in a thrift store and install rigid casters so they can be easily pulled out from under the bed. Store clothing or other items in them.

3. Organize Your Closet

Purchase closet organizers, including a shoe rack along with hanging organizers and attractive baskets. Store the baskets on your shelves so they can hold bulky items that can be easily pulled off the shelves. Sort your clothing according to the season and every few months, rearrange them so that the clothes for the current season are closer and easier to reach.

4. Buy a Trunk

If you have the room, hunt through thrift stores until you find a trunk to put at the foot of your bed. You can store linens in them, along with off-season items. It’s an attractive way to add extra storage to your room.

5. Make Your Bed

It’s a small matter, but it makes all the difference between an unkempt-looking bedroom and an appealing one. Get into the habit of making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning. It only takes a minute or two to pull up the bedcovers and rearrange the pillows. In addition to making your room more attractive, it will also keep your sheets clean and makes your room neater.

Follow these tips, and you’ll have a clean, inviting room in no time.